Flipkart Affiliate program is undoubtedly a brilliant way to add passive income to your bank account. Imagine that in every 30 days, without you having to act out with your sweat, you get additional money transferred into your bank account. But it does not mean that you do not do anything at all in order to get this profit. Flipkart is a giant e-commerce in India. It sells almost everything.
And similar to Amazon, Flipkart opens its affiliate program to expand its market as well as help blogs and sites develop; only if they agree to affiliate. In case, you want to know the great advantages of Affiliate Marketing, then read my previous article 7 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing Is Better Than Google AdSense
A Glimpse of Flipkart Affiliate Program :
Just picture yourself as a blogger. You publish posts on your blog with an expectation of drawing a decent number of viewers to your page. Only then, you can register your blog to gain profit from ads. But it is only a bit of what you can totally ‘explore’ with your favorite blog posts.
Flipkart offers bloggers to join their affiliate program so that they could get commission for every purchase done by the blog’s viewers to Flipkart official site after given suggestion from the blog page. Have you got the idea?
To be clearer, Flipkart will give these affiliate blogs some great amount of commission (the number is arranged by Flipkart) if their blog succeed to ‘persuade’ their viewers to buy a product from Flipkart. The more products being sold as an effect of your blog’s suggestion, the more money coming into your bank account.
The Less Bright Side of The Program :
It is indeed very appealing for bloggers to join the program. In addition, it is pretty easy to register an account to Flipkart Affiliate program which is totally free! But despite the surfaced enjoyment you potentially get, there are several things you need to reconsider from this inviting offer.
Flipkart’s code is still terribly implemented. Their site maintenance got several issues here and there which somehow upsets the affiliate bloggers. Also, there are tight rules applied on Flipkart which urges affiliate bloggers to follow complicated and long procedure to get their money.
Not only that, Flipkart will not inform affiliate blogs about their updates in regards to the commission rates. Cancellations and back orders on products can also impact to decreased commission.
Yet, Flipkart has still got one solid thing to attract you. Compared to other similar e-commerce, Flipkart is considered to offer considerably more decent commission for affiliate blogs or sites. However, unlike hosting referral programs that offer up to 75% commission per sale, on Flipkart, you get around 5% commission.
People who are earning good amount of money from Flipkart Affiliate Program (in fact, any affiliate program) are real professionals and are doing it from long time with right marketing techniques. You need to have patience and needs to put good effort if you are beginner to blogging or affiliate marketing. I recommend you to read Flipkart Website Advantages And Disadvantages before you apply for or continue with Flipkart affiliate program.