earn money from blogging through adsenseearn money from blogging through adsense

Most people who are new to the blogging and internet marketing industry think that Google AdSense is the best way to earn money from home. While I don’t deny that, the fact is it is really difficult to get their blogs approved by Google Adsense as they keep on applying for the advertisements, but face rejection from Adsense on the majority of occasions.

Without any doubt, Adsense is a considerable platform, but it is really difficult so it is therefore better that you seek some other alternatives for providing a boost to your business. For bloggers good news is that several options are there for earning money it is all about exploring the choices that you have.

Some of the popular tips to follow in this regard are mentioned below. Read these carefully and decide whether blogging life is better with Google Adsense or bitter with Google AdSense.

Affiliate Marketing

I am sure you expected Affiliate Marketing in this list. Affiliate marketing is one of the best lucrative options for bloggers. If you follow the ethics, then affiliate marketing without any doubt will appear as a great opportunity for earning cash.

You can promote the products and services of other entrepreneurs and in turn, can get a decent commission on every sale made. The profit earned depends on your client’s financial strength. The job asks for time as well as dedication, but with proper commitment, you can get the desired results in no time.

I know a few people whose affiliate marketing income is 10 times (yes, literally 10 times) more than their Google Adsense income. Read my other article 7 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing is Better than Google AdSense for an in-depth analysis of this topic.

Premium Banners

This is another option that can be availed on your blog. It can become complicated sometimes, but with proper attention, problems can be solved. With the right traffic getting banners can’t be difficult in the long run. The biggest positive associated with this concept is that one can charge $1000 for a banner if things go in the right direction. Proper planning and timing is the key to success with Premium Banners.

Native Advertisement

This is a type of advertising where one website moves with the promotion of content that is present on another website. This is a strategy that is commonly used by bigger companies on their blogs.

Selling Products

Another great option is to sell your products on your own websites to make money without using Adsense. This can be videos, e-books, or the templates of websites along with many other things.

Before going with this option it is best to ensure that you have the trust of readers in your pocket otherwise this is not going to work in your favor. The trust of readers exhibits that they believe in your offer so it will lead to positive results as people will prefer to buy products from you.

There are many other handsome alternative of Adsense present that you can avail as these provide decent opportunity for earning. However, the chance of earning varies from one network to another and also it depends on your capacity.


It can be said that Adsense is a decent medium for earning money through a blog, but it is not the best option in any case. Affiliate Marketing is the best choice, but you must always make the decision after carefully considering prevailing trends and situations.

If you want to earn a handsome amount of money by blogging, then it is best to go with any of the above-mentioned options as they can provide you some great benefits. Just use the opportunity wisely and you will get results.

By admin