It is an old saying that keep your enemies closer to yourself to do well in the competition. Same goes good for all the entrepreneur and affiliated businessmen. Taking a closer look of your competitors can be very advantageous. It is not about duplicating the ideas of your competitors but to analyse them carefully and know how their ideas are benefiting them and thus getting close to success of your own business.

First of all, we should get to know about who really are our competitors; this is the initial stage of analyzing the market for better business achievements. We should only take only those who are around the success level of our organisation and not those who are far behind the concerned business organization. Create a list of the top ten competitors of yours in the market. Study them analyse their business ideas get to know about their business allies. All these research work can be very beneficial in uplifting the total business.


Now that you have a list and detailed analysis of your competitors in your hand we must strive to track them down. Aware yourself with the business campaign your competitors is endeavouring for. By business campaign we mean online as well as the offline campaign. You can use developed software like Majestic, SEMRush and others to get valuable information about your competitors.

Your analysis of your competitors is the main thing which will make you win the battle. Find out the things which are going in favour of them and those which are not. Get some ideas from your competitor’s customer feedback. If your competitors are seen doing mistakes learn lessons from them and improve the overall quality of the products and services you are offering to your customers. The prime motive should be attracting more customers and that can be achieved by serving efficiently for them. Increase your customer service networks, pay heed to the complaints lodged by customers. Improve the quality of service and make sure you deliver your services in time rather in less time than your competitors. Be interactive with the market use social media platform to interact with them and to tell them about your new and improved services.

A healthy competition can do wonders for your business success. Keep a track of your competitors for continued growth of your business. If your competitors are doing better than you don’t get disheartened as it will hinder your business. Rather than becoming depressed about your competitors success, make them your motivation to strive harder. And if you are at the top already then don’t be lazy of your position strive harder to keep growing your business.

A completion is very much needed for the establishment of a good economic structure in a nation or across the globe. So keep that in mind and keep putting in your best to succeed. Competition can sometimes be very unhealthy and stay away from those critical phases and keep concentrating on improving your quality of services.

By Ram (admin)

The author is an expert in personal finance and stock market investing. He also runs his startup in finance industry.