Android Mobile Apps for Improved ProductivityAndroid Mobile Apps for Improved Productivity

Almost every one of us leads busy, hectic lives. There are many tasks that we must get done during the day, or we must pay the consequences, by answering to our boss, spouse, even children, pets, and friends! But those basic day planners you buy are simply not enough to help keep track of our chores and events, and they certainly do nothing for our productivity.

You already own an Android and love it for being simple and intuitive to use. It becomes your entire life, one that you can’t give up so easily. Your list of contacts are on there, a calendar, and an alarm. And you can download various free and paid apps that will actually assist you with your own productivity, whether you attend school, work, or recreational events.

Just imagine being able to achieve your goals, getting all your tasks done in a day, and having a happy boss, family, and friends, because you met their expectations.

You’re now on your way to not only being highly productive, but being successful too. And this can lead to happiness, as productive people love their careers. They know how to achieve success, and stay on track. They can live comfortably and within their financial means.

Productivity apps can vary, from managing big and small tasks, to managing your finances, setting your goals, and just about everything in between. Here are 21 of the best secret Android mobile apps to help you improve your productivity. While not all of them will be for you, you can choose your top two or three and soon you’ll experience maximized productivity in your life.

1. Rescue Time

By the end of the day many of us question what happened to all the time. Did we waste it on social media? Rescue Time will is an automatic time tracker. It will assist in tracking each of the mobile apps that you use within a day. It will tell you how much time you spent on telephone calls, how much you spent surfing the web, and on social media. You can also set privacy options.

2. Dashlane Password Manager

Most of us need at least 100 different passwords for all the devices, apps, software, and websites we use. Dashlane Password Manager keeps this task simple. It can track passwords and personal info that you need to use across the web, including credit cards and IDs.

3. Swiftkey Keyboard

This mobile app shortens the time it takes to type on the mobile keyboard. It corrects your typos, and makes predictions so you can skip past typing certain words. You can also swipe to type. The autocorrect is fairly accurate. It’s constantly learning your nicknames, phrases, and slang you use on a regular basis, and even learns your quirks.

4. Merriam Webster

Now you don’t need to carry around a big and bulky dictionary when you have the Merriam Webster as a smart device app. You’ll find this app works smoothly, and you can also do a voice-activated search. You don’t need to have the correct spelling either.

5. Feedly

Chances are you jump all over the place reading the news online—Yahoo, CNN, Google, etc. Now you can download Feedly so you have only one spot to read all the news. You can also organize your favorite publications Youtube channels and podcasts all into collections. The app can even help you to discover new resources.

6. Week Habit

There’s that old saying that it takes seven weeks to start a new habit. This app will help you to achieve your new goal. It can also help you to break bad habits, such as smoking, eating junk food, or biting your nails. Each day is one step closer to your new goal.

7. Best Motivational Stories

This is like the Kindle app, but in a smaller form—it consists of short inspirational stories. You can read one while you’re in transit to work, or while you enjoy coffee before you start work. It’s inspired by that old  saying, “The first thirty minutes of your day defines your whole day.” The stories in this app will help you to clear your mind and focus on important tasks.

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8. Pocket

When you’re surfing the web you come across many interesting links and articles, but there’s not enough time to read them. Pocket allows you to save it to their app. This app also syncs across smart phone, computer, and tablet, and you can access your links at any time. You can read your news in a simple layout. The app evens saves the information for you, so you can view it offline at any time.

9. Evernote

Evernote allows you to track all those crazy ideas you get on a daily basis, but just one may be the winning one. If you even act on one idea, it could change your life. This is a lot like carrying a physical journal, but in an app form instead. You can also search your notes and notebooks to find the information you need quickly.

10. Brilliant Quotes

This is just as it suggests—a collection of inspirational quotes. There are over 3600 here that should keep you motivated for some time. They’re from more than 260 people—some you’ve heard of, some not—writers, philosophers, spiritual advisors, and more. Start your day out with 9 quotes.

11. Youtube

Youtube videos can teach you how to learn a new technique, language, skill, or just about anything else. Watching videos can increase your potential. While a book may have diagrams and illustrations, you can see exactly what you need to do in the video.

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12. Forest

We can use the Forest app to help us stay focussed on our work. This app will assist you in putting down your phone, whether you are making calls, texting, on Facebook, or other social media. To start, you plant a tree. As you are working for the next 30 minutes it will grow as you work. But if you leave the app, your tree will die.

13. Snowball

This app pulls things from all the apps on your phone and places them in one location. It also works as a Messenger and Email inbox all in one spot so you only have to have one app open to do all your tasks.

14. Night Screen

The increased use of screens can not only irritate your eyes, it can damage them too. Night Screen allows you to adjust your screen for your working conditions by adjusting the brightness of your Android.

15. Deep Breathing

Breathing expels toxins from our body but most people don’t know how to do it properly. This app will help you learn how to breathe effectively, and control your breathing for better health. Giving the oxygen your body needs will help you with your productivity.

16. Buffer

Many people will be familiar with Buffer. It is the simplest way to share your articles and links on social media—Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter. You can schedule your posts at specific times. This app is handy for online business owners who need to stream a constant source of content. It even allows you to check analytics to see which posts performed the best.

17. Dropbox

Put all your important files into Dropbox and they’ll be safely backed up. You can access them from any device, or in the event that your Android is stolen. You can even send files to friends or colleagues.

18. Stumble Upon

You can find new and exciting content with Stumble Upon. You can do searches to find exactly what you need. You can also follow friends and create lists of favorite topics. You can download this app for free.

19. Productivity Challenge Timer

If you want to gamify your productivity, try the Productivity Challenge Timer. This is a timer that you set, then you do your work, while time runs down. You can challenge yourself by attempting to reach your goals. If you make your achievement, you earn achievement awards. You can sort your projects into folders and earn one of 18 achievements.

20. ToDoIst

Many people like to set bigger goals in life than simply getting through the day. The ToDoIst can be done before bed. Set up your list so that you can maximize your goals. This apps allows you to track your important projects, and your monthly tasks. You can also track any expenditures you make.

21. Kindle

This Kindle app not only organizes your books, but it keeps your home’s space free of random books tossed all over the place. And, reading it also good for your mind. You can learn many things, and also take a break and relax from the stressors of life. You can also stay productive and have the app on your Android, so if you’re ever stuck in the lobby waiting for a meeting, or on the plane, you can pull it out and read up.

By Ram (admin)

The author is an expert in personal finance and stock market investing. He also runs his startup in finance industry.