Steps to Achieve Financial FreedomSteps to Achieve Financial Freedom

Today, the greatest single source of wealth is between your ears. I want to talk to you about the seven steps to financial freedom and how achieving true financial freedom doesn’t necessarily mean being filthy rich. 

Self Discipline 

The primary reason for financial problems in life is lack of self discipline, self mastery and self control. Most people have an inability to delayed gratification and have a tendency to spend everything they earn plus a little more, which is usually supplemented by loans and credit card debt. One goal that we all have in common is that we all want to make more money. We all want to have enough money so that we never have to worry about money again.

But there’s a question we often forget to ask ourselves will more money truly make you a happier person? There are more people achieving financial freedom faster today than ever before, but yet you’ll find many of them are not entirely happy. But with these seven steps, you can accumulate wealth, become happier, and achieve financial freedom no matter how much money you have in the years ahead. 

Related: 4 Daily Success Habits for Financial Success

Think Positively about Money 

Think Positively about Money
Think Positively about Money

First, you have to begin thinking positively about money. Thinking negatively about money is an emotional obstacle that you must eliminate in order to achieve financial freedom.

You must eliminate thoughts like money is the root of all evil or Money can’t buy you happiness. When you think positively about money, you will attract opportunities that open up more doors than you ever thought possible. 

Write and Review your Goals 

Next, write and review your goals for financial freedom on paper every day and think about how you could accomplish them. This will only take you five or ten minutes. Best first thing in the morning.

Financial freedom must be the centerpiece of all your work and external activities. Achieving financial freedom is not something that happens in a random or haphazard way. It must be something that you specifically think about and defy and plan for continuously. 

Plan Day in Advance 

Third, plan every day in advance. The best time to do this is the night before. Planning each day, each week and month in advance will make you far sharper and more precise at everything you do. You’ll have better focus and a greater sense of self control when you work from a plan, you’ll be better able to track your spending habits as well by planning how much you have to spend for the week, the month and the year and decide where you will be able to save. 

Valuable Use of Time 

The next step is concentrating single mindedly every hour of every day on the most valuable use of your time. This is the principle of concentration and your ability to develop. The habit of concentration will ensure your personal financial success.

Perhaps more than any other skill or habit you can acquire, the things you focus on the most and spend the most time doing should be in direct alignment with your financial goals. 

Invest in Yourself

The fifth step is investing in yourself in terms of your self-improvement and learning. Listen to audio programs in your car, purchase courses on time management, read books on personal finance, and find articles online about money and how to earn more of it. You will have so much knowledge in the area of money that in no time people start to come to you for advice. 

Ask Magic Questions 

Next, you’re going to ask yourself these magic questions after every meeting and event of importance in your life.

The first question is, what did I do right and what would I do differently next time? If you take a few minutes and write down everything you did right and everything you would do differently immediately after a call or situation, you can double and triple the speed at which you learn and grow. 

Improving yourself and your quality of work will in effect, improve the amount of money you make. 

Be Generous to Others

The final step is to be generous to others. Treat every single person at home and at work as if they were the most important person in the world.

It is a proven fact that being a more generous person will help you attract more wealth and become a happier person. We’ve often heard money doesn’t buy happiness, but the truth is that money is essential to happiness and material prosperity predicts life satisfaction, and the more economic status we achieve, the more satisfied we’ll feel with our life. 

So by choosing to focus on money goals that motivate you, while also embedding a positive mindset toward money, yourself and life in general, you will achieve both increased wealth and happiness. Now, if you enjoyed this video and feel it was valuable in teaching you how to bring more wealth into your life, share it with your friends or anyone else who might benefit from this information. 


Before we wrap up, I’d like to leave you with a thought to share with your friends and followers today, the greatest single source of wealth is between your ears.

Now, I’d love to hear from you, so my question today is this. What are your financial goals? Leave a comment below and I’ll be sure to follow up with you. Thanks for reading and remember, if you want to change your future, take action and take action now. 

By Ram Ram

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