Become a Successful Business IconBecome a Successful Business Icon

In the earlier days, it used to take a lot of time sometimes even a couple of decades to establish and attract great business from customers to be renowned as a Business Icon. But now with changing times and available technologies, it doesn’t matter how long you are in your field, you can become a business icon if you can deliver. 

Even the age doesn’t matter. Many teenagers have reached the millionaire status and few people even reached billionaire status in their late twenties. Read popular business magazines like Forbes, The Entrepreneur, Finacial Times, etc to know how they achieved in such short times.

Let’s see how you can become a business icon and the characteristics you need to develop.

Steps to Become a Successful Business Magnet

Be Very Clear

Be very very clear about what you want. Do you want to become a business magnet because someone made a fortune after building a business or do you have an internal burning desire to build a business? Don’t start a business for the first reason.

Also, lot of people wants to start a business because they don’t want a boss and don’t like to work for someone. This is the wrong opinion. In your job, you would work only for one boss. However, in business, you would be working for multiple bosses/clients. Every prospect is your boss especially when you are doing sales – no matter whether that prospect becomes your client or not.

Market Yourself

You certainly need to be good enough in the domain of your business. People buy with a trust on you, not because of the fancy logos or advertisements. You become a brand for themselves before your products. Once you can deliver what they need your business gets a brand. And that brand creates a brand for you like how it happened to Apple.

Be part of the business events, talk to the quality people there.  There are lot of budding entrepreneurs out there – mentor them. You will get respect for sharing the great knowledge you have. They could end up being your best customers later. Learn more on how to do Successful Business Networking.

Remember the words of Robert Kiyosaki : The primary secret of Rich people is they focus on building a network, not educational degrees.

Expand Yourself

Since you already started marketing yourself you can start writing some blogs or books to share your information with a wider range of people and can track your audience. Give ideas. If you are sharing useful information people will start idolizing you and become avid followers. It also gives an opinion that you are there not only to make money but also to help people grow.

Business Icon Formula: Deliver Value -> Deliver  Trust -> Deliver Product -> Support Customer


The social media is growing many folds in the recent times. Today’s youth are spending more time online than for direct conversations. Start tweeting, facebooking, blogging and people will start following you like swarms. This helps you in understanding the pulse of the customers – what are they more interested in, where do they buy and what are they disliking.

Keep Going

The most common thing in any business is Failure and the second most common thing is Quitting. You don’t want to be a ‘one movie star’. Rome was not built in one day and hence your legacy too would be. Don’t stop midway afraid of reviews. If you quit, people will lose trust in you. People watch what you are up to and follow you in your next journey.

See you on Forbes’s most successful business leaders list.

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