Work from Home is one of the most popular keyword on web. There are millions and millions of people who are looking for work from home opportunity because of the inconsistent job conditions in the market. Many companies are coming up promising earning opportunities from home. But, unfortunately lot of them are ending up as scams.
These kind of scams are common in Network Marketing and Data Entry jobs. Many Network Marketing companies have promised good amount of money to earn by following few simple steps but were closed down in few months itself. In fact, they are not genuine Network Marketing companies. If they are genuine network marketing companies the members won’t get major losses as they offer some product or service for their joining fee. On the other side, money laundering schemes look like Network Marketing business model on paper but they pay you only for joining people under you.Data Entry Jobs are also falling into this category now a days. This can be of two types. One is of paid membership but gets closed after few months. You may not have any proof to proceed legally. If you have a proof you may not be willing to take the pressure of going legally. The second type is of free membership but do not pay you for the work you have done. They keep some conditions which may look casual at the beginning but are difficult to get satisfied later to receive the payments.

Do enough research about the company before taking the opportunity.

By Ram (admin)

The author is an expert in personal finance and stock market investing. He also runs his startup in finance industry.