Since the pandemic strike, more employees than ever are working remotely– and working from home has now become a new norm at least for some of us even after the crisis. Thanks to the rapid growth of technology, there are tons of tech tools that we can utilize to keep our productivity, maintain communication with our virtual teams, and avoid WFH burnout.

When we talk about remote working tools, the first thing that probably comes to mind is Zoom. Well, there’s no denying that this tool is at the head of the pack, making video conferences a breeze.

That said, working from home isn’t all about video calls and live messages, therefore, there are tons of other tools you and your team need to work from home efficiently and effectively.

Here is the tech stack that is suitable for almost any kind of remote team.

Communication Tools

When you work in the office, you can easily go to your co-worker’s desks to ask them about a project you haven’t gotten any clear idea about. However, when you work from home without seeing your co-workers face to face it might take a while before they can answer all of your questions.

And that’s why communication tools are one of the most important elements in a remote working tech stack. Here is what we recommend:

#1. Slack

Slack is a must-have for every kind of remote team. It can be used to keep all the employees informed and updated about what is going on within the company. You can send your co-workers messages, share files, and create channels for teams, projects, interests, and more– helping you organize your internal business communications with ease.

#2. Google Hangouts

Google Hangouts will help you stay on top of all your projects by connecting everyone and everything they need to get their work done. It provides group chats for up to 30 people (or any number of people you choose), along with voice and video conferencing, which is perfect for hosting quick meetings.

#3. Microsoft Team

Microsoft Team allows you to create projects and groups, share files, hold video calls, chat with team members. It also integrates well with Microsoft Office apps for seamless collaboration between teams who are spread across different offices or even time zones.

Productivity Tools

It’s easy to get distracted when you’re working from home. All those your favorite TV shows, social media notifications, even comfortable couches can make it hard to get things done. 

Here are some tools for creating boundaries between your work life and your home life, freeing you up to focus on what matters most.

#4. Now Do This

Now Do This allows you to create to-do lists to help you focus on what you need to do day-to-day. You can write down your priorities, and click the big “Done” button when you get it done. It will show you the next task until you finally reach the satisfying “All Done” ending.

#5. Concentration Timer

This tool always reminds you to stay focused so you can work more effectively and efficiently. You can set Concentration Timer for a range of intervals and time periods, so you won’t ever forget to take a break.

#6. Self-Control

Self-Control allows you to block some sites that you may find distracting, such as social media, Netflix, and more. You can set the time and the tool will help you to self-block those sites for that period.

Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools keep your remote team on the same page. Whether it’s a social video campaign or monthly email newsletter project, it helps you to manage individual or team projects and work on the same document at the same time so you won’t miss any deadlines.

#7. Asana

Asana is a project management tool you need to have better communication and collaboration with your team. It has a great tool, called “Tasks,” which allows you to assign tasks to other members and track project progress by working on different milestones at the same time. 

#8. Trello

Trello has a beginner-friendly interface that is easy to learn for monitoring projects and assigning tasks. This tool is suitable for remote teams who need a simple and straightforward project management tool.

#9. Google Docs

With Google Docs, you can access your documents from anywhere and work with others in real time. This tool allows you to collaborate more easily on projects without having to send files back and forth through email or searching for different versions of the same document.

Video Conference Tools

Video conferences help you feel like you’re in the same room with your co-workers. If you use video conferencing tools, even if everyone is working from home they can feel more involved, engaged, and motivated to do their best work.

#10. Zoom

Of course, this tool is definitely a go-to. Zoom allows you to use video conferencing on desktop, mobile, and web. This is a great option for when you’re working from home with people who are in different time zones or across the country.

#11. Google Meet

Google Meet is more suitable for small teams, rather than larger groups. You can use this video conference tool when you need a quick meeting with a couple of people. You can also use it to host presentations and training sessions.

Cloud Storage and File-Sharing Tools

When it comes to remote working, it’s important to store all your files in one place, so you can manage and access them with ease. That’s why cloud storage and file-sharing tools come in handy.

#12. Dropbox

Dropbox is a great cloud storage tool to use when you need file-sharing capabilities. It also comes with a very useful desktop app, which allows you to sync files between your computer and the Dropbox database. This means that all of your data is available on any device

#13. Google Drive

You can use Google Drive to store, share and collaborate on files. It lets you store up to 15GB for free, but if that’s not enough, you can upgrade your account. Google Drive comes with a desktop sync application that allows you to access all of your data in the cloud from any device

Final Thoughts

Besides all the comfortable pajamas, no long commute, flexible working hours, working from home comes with its challenges. But, with those tech tools mentioned above, now you can be more productive and efficient in getting your tasks done and project success– no matter how many miles you’re apart from your teams.


Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order).

By Ram (admin)

The author is an expert in personal finance and stock market investing. He also runs his startup in finance industry.