“This is a post you are going to despise”. As you are reading through the sentence, what does your mind tell you? Does it want you to directly throw out this article away or instead appeal you to get further down below? More or less, that is something we often call as the significance of first impression. In the case of blogging, first impression is unbearably vital. Just put a mediocre post on your blog’s first page and wait for like a century to get your first viewer. Your first blog post MUST make a hit, and here is how to make it happen.

Do Research

Admit it that you do not blog only for publicizing your interests and competences. You are on blog because, first, you want people to view your interests and competences, and second, you want them to come back for reading your posts which showcase your interests and competences.

That said, you get to do preliminary research on your potential viewers’ likes and dislikes, as well as their background. This is extremely important as you will not be able to meet the expectation of your target market if you do not even know who they are. You also need to understand various aspects especially the best way to monetize your website. Read 7 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing Is Better Than Google AdSense .

Bring A Brilliant Title :

A blog post’s first impression is actually not situated on the post’s first sentence, but its title. So if you fail to come up with a brilliant and well-researched title, then you’d better lower your expectation of getting plenty of viewers.

The title does not have to be long and majestic. Even a short and simple title will work, if only you could deliver a very appealing message through the phrases or sentence. That is why it must be ‘brilliant’.

Be Provocative and Quirky :

Once you are done with the brilliant title, move on with a quirky first sentence which can somehow be a bit provocative. Try to use a question. This often works on many successful blogs. Questions are easily noticed by blogs’ readers who often do scanning rather than reading.

As they are attracted by the question mark, they are going to read through the sentence and drawn to think about the answer. That really is the way you want to engage your blog’s viewers in conversation before grabbing their attention.

Keep in mind that those three hints won’t be enough to make your first post on blog adequately compelling. The rest of the post’s quality will do. Read this thoughtful article Do You Have The Eye of An Entrepreneur?

By Ram (admin)

The author is an expert in personal finance and stock market investing. He also runs his startup in finance industry.